Privacy Policy


Scope of this privacy policy

This is the privacy policy of NorCal Furniture, and it describes how and why we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information on our websites and mobile services. Our privacy policy also describes the choices you can make about how we collect, use, and share your personal information. Personal information is information that directly or indirectly identifies, describes, relates to, is reasonable capable of being associated with, or can reasonably link to a particular consumer or household.

The information we collect about you

The information we gather about you depends on the context. By and large, it’s information about you that can personally identify you—either on its own or when combined with other information.

The following describes the information we collect and how we obtain it.

Information we collect from you

  • For registration. When you create an account through one of our websites or mobile services (our “sites”), we collect your name, email address, and phone number. Once you’re registered, we assign you a unique ID number. This ID number helps us recognize you when you’re signed in.
  • For billing and delivery. To process payments and deliver products you order, we collect and use your payment information. This can include your name, your address, your telephone number, your email address, your credit or debit card information, and any other relevant information.
  • For user-generated content. We may offer you the ability to post content that other users can read (e.g., product reviews) on our sites or social media pages. Anyone can read, collect, and use any personal information that accompanies your posts. We do not have to publish any of your content. If we are required by applicable law to take down, remove, or edit your personal information, we will comply to the required extent.
  • For contests, sweepstakes, and special offers. When you sign up for these, you give us your name, email, and any other required information.
  • For surveys. We gather information through questionnaires, surveys, and feedback programs. We ask you for your consent to use this information when you participate in these surveys and programs.
  • During contact with our call centers. We collect information from you when you place an order over the phone or contact customer care through one of our toll-free numbers.
  • Through online chat. We collect information from you when you communicate with us through the online chat tool on our website.
  • Personal contacts data. We never scan your device for your contacts or upload that data. With your consent, we do comply with your requests to collect data about your friends, family, or acquaintances (e.g., Refer a Friend campaigns). This functionality is only meant for U.S. residents. By using it, you acknowledge and agree that both you and your contacts are based in the U.S.—and that you have everyone’s consent for us to use their contact information.
  • Through your camera. Certain features of our sites may ask you to grant us access to the camera on your computer or mobile device (such as image search, augmented reality, or scanning bar codes).

Information collected automatically

You also provide us information in other ways through technology. Some of this information may be linked to you personally.

  • These technologies include cookies, web beacons, tags and scripts, software development kits (or SDKs) and beyond. We track and store data about how you visit and use our sites. The items we log include:
    • Your IP address
    • Your location
    • Your operating system
    • Your browser
    • Your browser language
    • The address of referring websites
    • The URLs of any pages you visit on our websites and mobile apps
    • Device identifiers
    • Advertising identifiers
    • Other usage information

We combine this data with other information we collect about you. For more information about tracking methods on our sites, and how to manage them, see “Cookies and Other Trackers” below.

If your browser doesn’t accept our cookies, you may not be able to access all or parts of our sites. Because the “Do Not Track” browser-based standard signal has yet to gain widespread acceptance, we don’t currently respond to those signals.

  • With GPS features. We may collect information about your location when your device is set to provide location information. We may be able to recognize the location of a mobile device in stores where we provide customers free WiFi access or through the use of Bluetooth technology. Through mobile services, Bluetooth technology in our stores allows us to show you nearby products that may interest you, making it easier for you to locate products within and navigate through the store.
  • With facility cameras. We operate cameras in store for security and operational purposes, for example, to help us improve the design of our stores to better serve our customers.


Sometimes we use marketing vendors to market our products, stores, and sites to you. We serve ads through websites, locations, platforms, and services operated and owned by third parties. Often these ads are targeted at people who have visited our sites but have not purchased anything. The ads are also targeted at people with similar traits or behaviors to our customers. We target our advertising to these users by uploading an encrypted customer list to a third party, or by incorporating tracking technology from a third party onto our sites. The third party then matches individuals who appear in both our data and their data. Because of how this matching process works, the third party can’t read our encrypted customer list if they don’t already have it. To opt out of receiving these matched ads, contact the applicable third parties. For example, when we use a “Custom Audience” to serve you our ads through Facebook, you should be able to hover over the box in the right corner of that Facebook ad and opt out. We are not responsible for any third party’s failure to comply with opt-out requests.

As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy stores, subsidiaries, or business units. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing privacy policy (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise). Also, in the event that all or a part of our business is merged, sold or reorganized (including transfers made as a part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings), personal information about you could be shared with the successor business.

We may also disclose your personal information:

  • To enforce or apply your contractual obligations to us, including for billing and collection purposes.
  • If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of NorCal Furniture, our customers, or others.

What about Sensitive Personal Information?

We generally don’t want to gather any sensitive information about you. We would prefer that you never share with us any sensitive information, including:

  • Your social security number
  • Your racial or ethnic origin
  • Your political opinions
  • Your religion or other beliefs
  • Your health, biometric, or genetic characteristics
  • Any trade union membership
  • Any criminal background

How Long Do You Retain Data?

We store your personal information only as permitted by law.


Our sites are intended for a general audience and are not directed at children under thirteen (13) years of age. We do not permit anyone who tells us they are under the age of 13 to register or open an account with us. We also do not collect information from anyone that tells us they are under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 should always ask their parents or guardians for permission before providing any contact information to anyone online. We urge parents and guardians to participate in their children’s online activities and use parental controls or other web filtering technology to supervise children’s access to the internet.

Cookies and Other Trackers

What cookies and other trackers do we use?

We use cookies and similar tracker methods when you visit our sites.

  • A cookie is a small string of text that a website (or online service) stores on a user’s browser. It saves data on your browser about your visit to our sites or other sites. It often includes a unique identifier. “First-party cookies” are cookies set by us (or on our behalf) on our sites. “Third-party cookies” are cookies set by other companies (such as Google) whose functionality is embedded into our sites. “Session cookies” are temporary cookies stored on your device while you visit our sites. They expire when you close your browser. “Persistent cookies” are stored on your browser for a period of time after you leave our sites. Persistent cookies expire on a set expiration date, or when they are deleted manually. You can choose whether to accept cookies by editing your browser settings. However, if cookies are refused, your experience on our sites may be worse, and some features may not work as intended.
  • Pixels (also known as “web beacons,” “GIFs” or “bugs”) are one-pixel transparent images located on web pages or messages. They track whether you have opened these web pages or messages. Upon firing, a pixel logs a visit to the current page or message and may read or set cookies. Pixels often rely on cookies to work, so turning off cookies can impair them. But even if you turn off cookies, pixels can still detect a web page visit.
  • JavaScript is a programming language. It can be used to write trackers that, when embedded into a page, allow us to measure how you interact with our sites and other sites.
  • SDKs are pieces of code provided by our digital vendors (e.g., third-party advertising companies, ad networks, and analytics providers) in our mobile apps to collect and analyze certain device and user data.
  • Device identifiers are user-resettable identifiers comprised of numbers and letters. They are unique to a specific device. They are stored directly on the device. They are used to recognize you and/or your devices(s) on, off and across different apps and devices for marketing and advertising purposes.



We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of the data you provide to us. Our servers are protected by firewalls and are physically located in secure data facilities to further increase security. While no computer or facility is 100% safe from outside attacks, we believe that the steps we have taken to protect your personally identifiable information dramatically reduce the likelihood of security problems to a level appropriate for the type of data involved.


You may receive email messages from us. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, let us know by following the opt out directions on any of the email messages you have received from us.

Notice Of Financial Incentives

We may offer various financial incentives and benefits (such as free shipping, discounts, and other special offers) to customers who interact with us in our stores or via our sites and provide certain personal information to receive the stated incentive or benefit. Generally, for any financial incentive we offer, we do not assign monetary or other value to personal information; however, the value of the personal information provided by you is reasonably related to the estimated value of the relevant financial incentive for which the information was collected. We reserve the right to withdraw or modify the financial incentives we offer at any time. The terms of the incentive will be presented to you at the time you sign up.

Your Data Rights, Including Access, Deletion, and Opt-Out

You have the right to request that we disclose to you what information we collect, use, disclose, and sell. You also have the right to request that we delete any personal information about you which we collected about you. To submit either of the above requests, send an email to, or call 408-425-2616. We reserve the right to deny your request if we cannot verify your identity.

You have the right to direct us to not sell or share your personal information. You can send us an email at

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these data rights.

You may designate an authorized agent to make a request to exercise your rights on your behalf. Your authorized agent must be able to provide to us all of the information that we would otherwise require to verify your identity. For your protection, we reserve the right to deny any request from an agent who does not submit proof that they have been authorized to act on your behalf. 

Applicable laws may give you additional rights that are not described in the Privacy Policy.

California Privacy Rights – “Shine the Light”

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of California Civil Code, a California resident with whom we have established a business relationship has the right to request from us certain information with respect to the types of personally identifiable information we have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such third parties, and the identities of the third parties with whom we have shared information during the immediately preceding calendar year. All requests for such information must be in writing and sent to: NorCal Furniture - 4604 Mangrum Dr Santa Clara, CA 95054.

Concerns About Privacy

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us:

NorCal Furniture - 4604 Mangrum Dr Santa Clara, CA 95054.


Privacy Policy Changes

As we continue to improve the services, products, and features we provide, our privacy policy is subject to change. Our privacy policy is subject to change without direct notice to you. We may change our privacy policy at any time by posting a new version of it on our websites. Therefore, you should review our privacy policy each time you visit any of our websites. The dates provided below will inform you as to when the most recent material updates to our privacy policy occurred and the date on which our updated privacy policy became effective.

Date of Last Update: September 2, 2024.

Date Updated Policy Became Effective: September 2, 2024.